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  Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is Coaching?
    Coaching is a unique relationship, which maximizes your ability to produce fulfilling results now and in your future. You are considered whole and capable. The coach is fully present and able to enhance the client's own self-discovery and progress. You choose the focus for each session while the coach actively listens and shares observations and questions, which accelerates your learning and progress. Increased awareness, being more at choice, clarity, and greater focus are some of the benefits experienced by my clients. The coach and client create an aligned, valued partnership. I am your advocate reinforcing optimal growth and success for you.

  • What is the purpose of coaching?
    To deepen your learning and forward your action. Society is constantly offering quick, external fixes to get desired results for people. This approach does not create sustainable results, because it only touches the surface. Clients benefit from this inside-out transformation because it give themselves more time to access their real core values and essence. By encouraging this inner exploration, clients are really able to take responsibility for who they are being and how they are aligning themselves with their deeper purposes. An inner shift happens when they are more aware that they have choices and don't have to be controlled by their environment or the advise and/or approval of others. By being true to themselves, their choices become an act of freedom to choose their essence first. This process becomes more energizing, exciting, and graceful for clients, which continues and changes as more truths surface throughout their life.

  • Who chooses coaching?
    Everyone can benefit from coaching at least one time in your life, because this process helps to fine tune the quality of your life. People generally choose coaching because they are dissatisfied with at least one aspect of their life or business. For example, people consider getting a coach when questions arise like. My life is not balanced and I don't seem to have time for the things I really want to do? Can you help? I really don't know what's really going to make me happy. What can I do to find out? I really want to change some aspects of my life, but I just can't seem to make a connection that motivates me. What am I missing? I just want to stop being so busy and take time to embrace just being. How can I do this? Morale is down at work, what can I do to create a more positive space? You've got my attention, what's next? If you wish to discuss more details please email me or call 206-841-3709.

  • What Makes your Service Different or Better than a Gym?
    Only 6% of the population attend gyms. Of that only 50% of the people who join remain consistent with an exercise program. Often times, members start off on an aggressive program which will give immediate results but in the long run the process doesn't create an opportunity for them to find a life rhythm of exercise that will work for them the rest of their life. They become burned out, frustrated, and end up giving up before they have discovered what really works for them. I love to create individualized work-outs that will free up your time to do other things. As a woman in her 50's, I intentionally spend only 1 1/2 hours three times a week for weight training, aerobic training, and stretching. Why? I like to balance my life. So, when I do my workout, I like to cut to the chase and get the job done in a safe and effective way. I also like to be a source of inspiration so people realize they can do the same for themselves based on their own body, fitness and interests.

  • Do Diets Work?
    Only 1% of the population who adhere to a diet keep the weight off for more than a year. Diets are a 40 billion dollar industry who are all begging for your attention. This industry tries to tell us that we don't work, but the truth is diets don't work. This is why I have a workshop that addresses the psychology of eating, and creates awareness about the psychology of eating so that you don't have to be a yo-yo dieter. Join me with my workshop Transitions LifeStyle Workshop.

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